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“The goal of coaching is good management: to make the most of an organization’s valuable resources.” 

Harvard Business Review

Integral competences in the corporate world.

Today, successful companies orientate themselves on concepts of integral management, which in the economy leads more and more to a handover from classic management consultants to integrally trained business coaches.


Competencies which were considered soft factors only a few years ago, today decide on the competitiveness of executives, teams and entire companies. Personality traits such as authenticity, empathy, integrity, ability to reflect and willingness to take responsibility are just as much in focus as the ability to perceive corporate structures and markets holistically



"Executives and HR managers know coaching is the most potent tool for inducing positive personal change, ensuring better than average odds of success and making the change stick for  the long term.” 


The Ivy Business Journal





If you are the owner or CEO of a small or medium sized company and you notice that the structure of your medium sized company no longer fits well in today's world, or that the cooperation with your employees no longer works well, your customers are increasingly dissatisfied, things are going more wrong than right, CoachMe offers you support and consultancy in various topics. These include:


Organizational Development 
















“Coaching is the universal language of change and learning.” 



Process consultancy

In the past, every process within your company worked for you: purchase orders, appointments, customer service, delivery and payment deadlines, etc.  But nowadays this task management is practically impossible for a while and you wonder.


  • Why are there so many errors, discrepancies, deadlines that are not met?

  • And what about customer service ?

  • Are they really satisfied with your services and products? 










































“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you”

                                                                        Fred Devito



Executive / team development

You're convinced you have your strongest element on your team. It's time for a promotion and a first management task.



  • ¿ But is your key element aware of his new responsibilities? 

  • And what about leadership?

  • Do you think it's a skill that should be learned? 

  • Does your team know why they come to work every day and what they actually do there? 

  • Is everyone aware that a team is more than the sum of its parts? 

  • Where is your team? 

  • What challenges await them? 

  • Where are there points of friction? 

  • And where has daily work become perhaps a very monotonous daily routine?











“A coach can play any number of roles-mentor, consultant, motivator, but one things she is not is a therapist. Coaching deals with the “how”: how you move from where you are and make change. It’s action oriented and concerned with the present and future not the past.” 

                                                                                   Shape Magazine



Advantages when hiring our Consulting services



High learning curve


Thanks to the hard-technical knowledge, methodical skills and 'soft skills' of your Consultant, your project is positioned on the high loop part of the whole process; that is, you save a lot of phases, as the Consultant works on a wide variety of topics. In the majority of cases, from the beginning to the end of the project, he or she will actively support you.





Your company is growing, you need a structure that fits your growth and a bigger team. Causing several new issues to arise, for which the internal organization of your company is not prepared, creating more and more chaos or duplication of work or unfinished tasks.

…When they contact your company 


  • Do they get a useful answer quickly? 

  • How much does customer service really cost you? 

  • And can your customer service really contribute to your company's success?

Servicio al cliente

And what about the sales department, from the first interest in increasing sales to the processing of complaints 


  • How are the sales processes organized? 

  • Does each department in your company know what the other is doing, and above all, where and who to look for to optimally solve the solution?

Several activity fields


 A Business Consultant supports you from the preparation to the completion of your project. As you know, the range of tasks involved in a new project is complex and varied. You can devote yourself to other matters within your company, as your Consultant will take care of these tasks

Broad and Network knowledge.


 Thanks to the experience of your consultant and her/his collaboration in countless projects, challenges and extraordinary situations, the progress of your project will benefit on several levels.

Análisis externo.


Tu consultor posee la ventaja de que su perspectiva es ajena al manejo de la empresa o del proyecto interno. Una perspectiva externa sirve para analizar la situación y elaborar sugerencias sobre cómo se podrían hacer mejoras en interés del cliente, pues muchas veces los propios empleados de la empresa pasan por alto soluciones radicales, como la creación de un nuevo departamento, porque ellos mismos están integrados en las estructuras existentes.

reunión de negocios
el concepto de globalización
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